Tanzitex Print Designing Workshop

"With 100+ Members and Still Growing, We're Here to Help You Build a Successful Career as a Textile Digital Print Designer. Learn Designing Skills and Growth Strategies for Your Journey to Success!"

Hi! I'm Rakesh Rahaman...

A Textile and Digital Print Designer turned Designer Coach, I am committed to the philosophy of "Simple Living & High Thinking." My mission is to empower 1,00,000 aspiring designers in the Textile Digital Print Designing Industry by imparting high-demand, well-paid designing skills.

That's The Reason I Founded Tanzitex Designing School with the sole purpose of helping you launch yourself as a Professional designer within just 90 days.

Our community has grown to include over 100+ paid members and continues to expand. Join me on my Tanzitex YouTube channel, where I share valuable insights and knowledge on designing. Together, let's pave the way for your successful career as a textile digital print designer.

Help Designer To Become Successful

I'm on a mission to Help
Beginners & Already Designers To Become High Paid Designers &
Become Successful In Designing Field.

Textile Digital Print Designing

With over 10 years of Experience
in The Textile Digital Print

Designing Field, I Help Designers

To Make Print Designs & Catalogs
With Fastest Designing

Process & Technic.

Tanzitex Designing School

I Founded This Community in the Year 2022 to Help Designers To Become Successfully In Fastrack Mode.

We are now over 100+ paid members and growing!


Trusted by 100+ of Happy Students

This community is built with love! Our focus is to help you get results.

Know How To Become A Successful Designer

Get Acces To a Proven System

"Path-Way To Become Successful Designer"

To Know Step By Step Guidence.

Build A Credibility As A Designer Within 90 Days

Learn How to Build A Credibility As A Designer With Your Designs & Catalog To attract the Right People And Get Offer For New Jobs, Freelancing And Selling Design Opportunities.

You Can Create Multiple Income Sources As Designer

I Will Show You How You Can PlanGenerate Multiple Income Sources As A Designer, ACTIVE + PASSIVE INCOME.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few pointers before you attend this webinar.

How should I prepare myself before the Workshop?

If you are really serious about becoming a successful Designer, bookmark your calendar and attend the webinar from start to finish without any distractions. Make sure you are sitting in a quiet place with a notepad, pen, and paper handy. 

Is this webinar only for Beginner?

No! Even though we have many Already In Our Designing Field who attends this Work Shop to sharpen their knowledge, more than 50% of My students are Already Doing Well and Want To Grow More. If you are open-minded and willing to Learn this webinar will be very useful.

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Is this webinar only for Already Designer?

No! Even though we have many Beginner who attends this to sharpen their knowledge, more than 50% of My students are not from the Designing industry. If you are open-minded and willing to Learn this webinar will be very useful.

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How long will this session be and what all will be covered?

This interactive webinar will go on for about 2 hours. We have a very powerful way to share complex concepts in a very simple way. You will learn all the aspects of how to plan, launch and grow As a successful Designer in the next 90 days.

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Will you be offering any paid programs in the Workshop?

Yes. I will talk about the membership into the Tanzitex community at the end of the webinar. If you resonate with this concept and wish to continue on the learning journey, you can grab the special offer that will be given only in the webinar.

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